My services are available in French and English.

Hourly Rate

This formula is ideal for occasional needs and small projects of a few hours (minimum 2 hours).

  • Emergency requested within 24 hours or less: +$15/hour

  • Holidays: +$20/hour

Bank of Hours or Short, Medium and Long Term Mandates

My prepaid hour banks are designed to meet your specific needs. Choose the bank of hours that best suits your business.

Bank of 10 hours

  • Ideal for one-off projects or to test our services.

Bank of hours 20

  • Perfect for small businesses requiring regular support.

Bank of 30 hours

  • Designed for growing businesses that need frequent support.

Bank of hours 40

  • For companies requiring continuous and comprehensive support.

Audio Transcription

  • $2.60/minute for one voice on the recording

  • $3.00/minute for two voices on the recording

  • $3.45/minute for three or more voices on the recording

Please note that an additional cost per minute may apply if the audio quality is poor, the pronunciation is difficult, if there is a pronounced accent, background noise, or any other technical problem.

Payment Options

Payments must be made upon receipt of your invoice, whether by Interac transfer, bank or Paypal.

Taxes not included (GST 5% - QST 9.975%).

*Our fees are 100% deductible as a business expense.

Rates are subject to change without notice.
